Elle Italia - April 24

Visceral fat is an endocrine organ? Why can it be dangerous for your health?

Donna Moderna - April 24

How to lower cholesterol with food and lifestyle.

Donna Moderna - March 24

How to do a proper liver detox. Tips and recommendations.

Donna Moderna - December 2023

We talk about “leaky gut” and how to manage the symptoms

Donna Moderna - October 23

How nutritional labels are misleading and how to count calories alone is not effective in losing weight.

ELLEItalia October 2023

Elle Italia October 23

What to eat before work out? Are protein shakes and bars essential?

Donna Moderna - July 2023

Seaweeds, Brazil nuts and other food can be helpful and effective in supporting the work of one of the most important gland in our body: the thyroid.

Elle Italia - May 2023

An article about how cool pineapple is! In fashion, design, and nutrition. We also demystify some old myths and discover beneficial properties of this incredible fruit.

Donna Moderna. May 2023

In questo articolo parlo dei vantaggi della friggitrice ad aria in paragone con altri metodi di cottura.

Donna Moderna. April 2023

I dispositivi di controllo del glucosio sono utili? In quali casi e cosa possono influenzare?

Donna Moderna March 2023.

Which are the most popular gluten free flours and which ones have to be used for baking and cooking.

Donna Moderna February 2023

Gli effetti dell’alcool sulla salute dell’uomo sono ancora in parte controversi. In questo articolo do qualche suggerimento per dei cocktails analcolici o mocktails nutrienti, rinfrescanti che non fanno rimpiangere l’alcohol.

Donna Moderna January 23

Legumes and pulses: characteristics and benefits for your health.

Donna Moderna Italia - June 22

Chocolate is good and addictive. But is it so bad? I will discuss benefits and limits of eating chocolate and how to distinguish the healthy one.

Donna Moderna Italia -Settembre 22

Sleeping has a profound effect on metabolism, weight and blood sugar level. In this article I explain why.

Donna Moderna Italia - August 22

In this piece, I talk about the healthy benefits of eating pistachios, the ideal form of having them and some precautions for specific group of people.

Donna Moderna Italy - May 22

In this article, I talk about the healthy benefit of coffee, the safe amount to drink, and precautions for pregnancy and menopause. I also explain the difference between slow and fast metabolizers.

Donna Moderna - April 22

Donna Moderna - April 22

In this article, I give some tips for vegetarians. I highlight how important it is to have balanced meals to cover possible nutritional deficiencies such as vitamin B12 and an adequate protein intake.

GQ China - December 21


ELLE Italia - April 21

25 verità per un corpo nuovo: tornare in linea è facile, basta sapere come.

Dopo mesi al chiuso, è tempo di rinascita. Facciamo pulizia non solo di tossine e abitudini scorrette, ma anche di fake news.


ELLE China - April 21

Donna Moderna October 22

Which sweeteners are healthy? What are sugar alcohols?

Donna Moderna November 22

Apple cider vinegar: its magic power to regulate the sugar response to food.

GQ China - December 21

What kind of diet plan before and after exercise is most conducive to maximizing the effect of body shaping? How should we adjust our diet before and after different exercises?

elle italia may 21.jpg

ELLE Italia - May 21

The SMILE Therapy

SMILES (Supporting the Modification of Lifestyle in Lowered Emotional States) è stato il primo trial randomizzato a dimostrare come un certo tipo di alimentazione sia efficace nel migliorare al salute mentale di individui con diagnosi di depressione clinica. Scegliere quegli alimenti che danno equilibrio all’organismo ha un forte impatto sulla salute mentale.


Vogue China - July 21

Vogue China - May 21

The article cites the work of me and Meyer Musk. We talk about the lack of awareness in China about the tight connection between a good and balanced nutrition and a healthy life. We also mention the intermittent fasting and the importance of the gut microbiome.