
Bread is usually high in carbohydrates that can spike your blood sugar. Bread made with white flour tends to have the greatest glucose impact. These refined grains are stripped of the fibers that slow the release of glucose into your bloodstream, which causes your blood sugar levels to soar and then crash, raising your risk of developing cardiometabolic health and being overweight.

While whole-grain breads contain more fiber, they can still be a not-so-healthy choice as they look to be. Some low-carb bread may contain ingredients that negatively impact metabolic health. When shopping, scan labels and look for these factors:

Some brands sweeten their low-carb loaves with added sugars and artificial sweeteners which can cause your blood glucose to rise quickly. Check that they don’t have more than 1 gram of added sugars per slice—ideally less.

Refined seed oils, such as canola and soy, are highly processed. They’re often heated to extremely high temperatures or treated with chemicals, both of which can deplete their nutrients. These oils are also high in omega-6, and research suggests that consuming a diet high in these fats and low in omega-3 can cause inflammation in the body.

Additives. Some low-carb bread has ingredients like chicory root and inulin (which add fiber), mono- and diglycerides, guar and xanthan gums, and sorbic acid (which act as preservatives). These may cause digestive issues, particularly when eaten in high amounts.

Sourdough bread acts as a prebiotic, which means that the fiber in the bread helps feed the “good” bacteria in your intestines. These bacteria are important for maintaining a stable, healthy digestive system.

Ratio of Carbs and Fiber. The higher the fiber content, the better the regulation of blood sugar. The fiber content help to regulate blood sugar, promote gut health, and decrease inflammation.

Some breads are baked with seeds such as flax and chia seeds, which provide extra fiber, healthy fats, and other important micronutrients. Others use vegetables such as cauliflower to add substance and nutrition to their loaves.


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