Higher dietary fibre has been linked with a decrease risk of depression in women.

This study looked at the fibre intake of 5,807 Korean women, then correlated to depression. In the premenopausal women a correlation was found between lower fibre intake and depression, however, in the menopausal group, the difference was not noted. This study really highlights just how important fibre is as a fuel source for microbes and the metabolites they create that go on to impact the gut-brain axis.

SOURCE: https://journals.lww.com/menopausejournal/Citation/2021/02000/Inverse_association_between_dietary_fiber_intake.8.aspx?ct=t(TSJ_111)&goal=0_ce350f41fb-0554fec14b-112521485&mc_cid=0554fec14b&mc_eid=9e20d68a23

#depressionandfood #fibreintake #foodasmedicinefor depression #healthyfooforhappylife


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