Vaginal Mycobiome & Candida albicans
Thrush is a fungal (yeast) infection that can grow in your mouth, throat and vagina – where it is called vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC). VVC normally presents with a thick, white discharge, burning and itching. Recurrent VVC is estimated to affect 138 million women worldwide per year. If unresolved – which is often due to the high relapse rates - it can impact a woman’s self-confidence, intimate relationships, pregnancy outcomes and generally quality of life. The use of probiotics to treat this condition has been investigated thoroughly, and in particular Lactobacillus (species of bacteria) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (species of yeast). A couple of trials have demonstrated that Saccharomyces is effective and fast-acting also along with conventional anti-fungal treatment. Another trial has shown the migration of orally supplemented probiotics yeasts from the gut to the vagina where they can reduce inflammatory mediators, weaken Candida albicans transition from yeast to hyphal form, its virulence and its adherence to vaginal epithelial. This strain of yeast might also prevent bacterial vaginosis. The use of Saccharomices cerevisiae can also improve gut health and IBS.